One Friday afternoon I was leaving Monachil in my car to go to a neighboring town to visit my friend, Sheri. I was praying in that very moment that I would be open to what the Holy Spirit was doing that I would be sensitive to His guidance. As I passed our little bus stop I see two young Asians reluctantly starting to walk up the hill that leaves our town. Figuring that they had missed the bus, I knew I had to stop. I said a quick prayer, rolled down my window and said "Les puedo dar la cola?" (can I give you a ride?)
Them: Blank stares. Me: "A donde van?" (where are you going?) Them: Blank stares. Awkward 3 seconds of silence... The girl: "Granada?" Me: "Suben!" (get in!) Me: "Do you speak english?" Both the boy and girl: "YES!" Me: "How about we speak in english?" Laughs all around. That's how I met William and Jill, two students who came to Granada from Hong Kong to study spanish for a short time this summer. They themselves had just met here in Granada and were sightseeing in my little town of Monachil. I gave them a ride to Granada and learned a little about each of them on the way. They asked me what I did here in Spain. I asked them if they had heard of the Bible. They said they had. I explained that I believed in the God of the Bible and in His son Jesus. And that I came to Spain to tell the people who live here about His love for them. I explained a little about our center and what we provide. They didn't react much but we continued to talk and as we arrived in Granada they kept saying "You are so nice! I can't believe this! You are so nice!" I explained that it was a pleasure to meet them and that I hoped to see them again. William threw his head back on the headrest and said "the pleasure is ALL MINE! This is the best part of my journey so far. I can't wait to tell my friends about this." Jill was leaving Granada that night but William and I made plans to see each other again. This 20 year-old kid and I met for lunch a week later. I invited my teammate, Sheri, to come along so she could meet this guy. As we ate we learned more about him, his life, his family, his name. And eventually I asked him if he or his family practiced any religion. A lot of his family are buddhists, but he and his parents and siblings don't follow any religion. I told him him that I wasn't sure what their customs are in Hong Kong about giving and receiving gifts, but that I had a gift for him. I told him that he did not have to take my gift, but that I had set it aside for him if he wanted it. It was a little backpack Bible that had been given to me. He seemed shy about it at first, but then thanked me and said "I will read it." Let's pray that God's power is evident every time that William opens that Bible! He returns to Hong Kong today, and I have no doubt that God can do something great through him! The Truth is in his hands and I know that his heart will be pierced if he really does take the time to read it! --------------------------------------------------- Highlight of the conversation: Me: So, William, do you play any sports? William: (chuckle) Does it look like I play any sports? Big laughs :)
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