I watered some plants today. Not just any plants. They are plants that belong to my spanish friend who lives about a half mile from me. She has gone to visit her mother who lives in northern Spain and will be there for about a month. I will go every couple of days and water them for her. About half of them are cacti, so I am PRETTY sure they can make it with a couple of days in between.
But that's not the point of this blog entry. It's just to say that as I was watering her plants I started thinking about how she has lived in this town for about 30 years. And how I, a foreigner, am watering her plants. Granted, she has another friend who stops by from time to time to check on things, but not someone coming over every couple of days to water her plants. I am happy to do it. I have the time. This is what I'm here for, etc, etc. But I guess I'm just happy that she chose me. Because that means she kind of trusts me. Which is a big deal here in Spain. You see, my friend is an atheist. She believes in some type of salvation through nature and all of that airy stuff. (I almost want to kill her plants and ask her where Mother Nature was when it counted--- I'm KIDDING. Everybody calm down.) I have shared stories from the Bible with her - my teammate Gaby has done the same. She said we are always welcome to share stories. Of course, she listens to the stories and then voices her disagreement. She can be prickly. But one thing is always clear -- she is angry at a god that she does not know. Because if she knew I AM, she would not be able to say certain things about Him that she has said. If she knew our God the Creator, her love of plants and nature would go to a deeper level. So I pray for her as I water her plants. Especially those cacti. Because even a cactus needs water. Isaiah 61:11 "For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations."
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August 2021
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